And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so. (Bold and underlining ours)
Hi there, brothers and sisters in Christ. Jack and Tina here. We greet you all in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is indeed an honor and privilege for us to invite you all to our e-bonfire, where we will come and visit together as we munch on our spiritual food; the true and infallible word of our Heavenly Father. Please feel welcome, and let us share and feed each other, as we all teach and learn from each other.
(Please visit our introductory post here).
Today we will look at the concept of creation, as laid out in the book of Genesis. The concept of creation shows and portrays a loving God, who had a marvelous plan for His prized invention. However, one cannot tackle the concept of creation without pondering on these questions: Why did God create the earth? Why did God create the vast universe, and all that is a part of it? What was the reason behind the creation of the earth?
All these questions are the result of an inquisitive mind, hungry for the truth of God and the reasoning behind His decision to create the earth and everything in it. Although it is not (and never should be) our aim to try and understand the ultimate reasoning behind God's every action with our little peanut brains, we can take solace in the fact that what He wanted us to know...He revealed to us. He has made known His will to us, through revelation by His word. If that is the case, then the next logical step would be to study His word with great vigor, as we search for our answers to all these above-mentioned questions.
The summed-up answer to these queries can be found in the book of Psalms 19:1 which states that, “The heavens declare the glory of God”. So, here we can read that the universe and all that is in it has been created for God's glory. It has been created to point towards the type of being God is. It points to His might and sovereignty, His majesty and orderliness, His love of beautiful things and care for us. It has been created so that it should be observed by us, and as we become awestruck by its vastness and glory; we in response pay homage to Him who sits on the eternal throne of glory! Brothers and sisters in Christ, the earth was created for our pleasure and for God's glory!
There is nothing that speaks volumes and testify of our Heavenly Father's greatness and majesty like His creation does. And when we talk about His creation, we do not merely refer to the earth in particular. We refer to the entire universe in all its splendor and beauty. We refer to both the discovered and the yet-to-be-discovered, as well as to the never-to-be-discovered universe in all its vast array. That is what we refer to when we talk about the creation. And all that has been created for our pleasure and His glory. Another aspect of our Heavenly Father which is portrayed by the created universe is His sense of order and perfect harmony. All the planets and other heavenly bodies are fixed in their orbit and are held together by His word (Col. 1:17). His word refers to His one and only begotten Son, Him through whom all things are made; and without whom nothing was made (Col. 1:16). Him who is the word that became flesh and dwelled among His creation, but that is a story for another day.
One thing which we dare not bypass in our search for the answers to these questions is the way that the creation itself took place. How all this was brought into being. Dear beloved, we still stand amazed every time we look back to the history of creation as depicted in the book of Genesis. It really is an amazingly wonderful occurrence, especially when we realize that the entire universe in all its splendor was spoken into existence! Yes, you heard me right; God spoke it all into existence. He did not lift a finger during the entire six-day creation process. He merely spoke. He merely called it all into existence. You can get the whole account about this marvelous event in Genesis 1:1-25.
And that holds true for the creation of everything except the creation of God's precious creation: humans. Everything else was spoken into existence except the human race. When God decided to create us, He formed a physical being from the dust of the earth and blew the life-giving spirit into it. To get the importance behind this gesture, we need to look at the reason behind the creation of the human race. The main aim behind our creation was to give God glory at all times, as we have seen above. The second reason we as humans were created was to rule and govern this earth and all that was in it. We have been put in place so that we can physically rule over the earth and represent the kingdom of God here on earth. We were originally meant to have dominion over all creation, as we can see in Genesis 1:28. That was the reason why God made us in His image. It was so that we should have the ability to rule and have dominion over everything, for as long as we remained engraved in Him.
One final thing to which we want to draw your attention is the fact that everything was created from whatever was supposed to be its source of supply. What do we mean by this? Do you realize that when God wanted to create vegetation and animals, He spoke to the land? The land then brought forth vegetation and animals. We can find that in Genesis 1:11 and 1:24. When He wanted to create the marine life, He spoke to the water; as laid out in Genesis 1:20. The essence of this observation is that whatever the creation was created from, would serve as the source of its provision. Hence, the marine life depends on the water for its supply. Likewise, the animals and the plants rely on the land for their life supply. Wonder above wonder, we humans also need to rely on something/someone for our life supply. Remember, we said that every creation depends on whatever it was created from for supply. And we see in Genesis 1:26-27 that we were created in God's image, meaning in His likeness. When God wanted to create man, He looked and spoke to the God-family and created man out of Himself. God blew a piece of Himself (His spirit) into the man, and the man became alive.
So, since we were created out of God, He then became our source of supply. As we were created in God's image, it means we are spirits living in a physical body. So, as spirits, God became our spiritual source of supply in everything pertaining to life. We were spiritually connected to God, and depended on Him for our entire livelihood. Think of this connection in terms of the connection between an expectant mother-to-be and her unborn fetus. The fetus is connected to its mother through the umbilical cord, or also known as the placenta. The placenta is the medium through which the fetus receives its daily nourishment from its temporary source of supply; its mother. That connection remains intact until it is severed at birth, when the fetus is then expected to make a conscious effort to acquire its supply from its source.
In the same way, we were connected to our source of supply through a spiritual placenta; which was kept intact by faith and obedience. We received our nourishment through this connection, for as long as we remained attached to our source of supply. However, in the event of us being detached from our source, we would surely start to wither away and eventually die. That is what God said when He said in Genesis 2:16-17 that when man eats from the forbidden fruit, he would surely die. God did not necessarily mean the physical demise of the physical body, but He meant the spiritual deterioration which would be the result of their detachment from their source due to disobedience. That is why Jesus later on told us to remain in Him, as without our connection to Him as our source of supply, we would surely die from spiritual starvation.
However, temptation entered this perfect relationship through the serpent, the old adversary the devil. Man fell, and the spiritual connection was severed. Man was no longer attached to his source of supply, and his spiritual degradation began. Nevertheless, God's mercy was greater than the sin of man, and He conceived the greatest redemptive plan ever to be conceived. After all, the destiny of His prized possession was at stake.
However, that is a story for another day. We believe we have had enough for one gathering...don't you think?
We would like to thank you for stopping by and humbly invite you to once more come keep us company as we gather around our next e-bonfire for our next topic of discussion.
Feel free to join us as we (by His grace) plan to talk about the redemptive plan of God, which was activated after the fall of man, and what that means for us as humans.
1 Corinthians 13:13
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
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Till next time,
Jack & Tina
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